MEAD is May's MAP

It took a little longer than usual but the MAP for last month's project is ready! I did an overview of the entire project with 'bit-sized' annotations and lots of images of the process. I'm also including in the resources of the MAP, the smart material I built for the skin (from the tutorial video a few days ago) and the PSD file with all the 'tweaks' and colour corrections I did on the final render.

For this month we are going to do something slightly different since we are starting the project a bit later than usual. I'm going to use this month to test the VR techniques I tried in May's project a bit more and share with you the findings and tools I find useful in the process! (in case you missed it, I'm referring to VR tolls like 3D Modeler or Gravity Sketch which is the one I used to create the beard of the Viking).